Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

from the Series: The Deceiver and The Deceived

Set of three wall sculptures constructed from recycled materials, specifically tin cans and vintage steel dollhouses, aluminum rivets. The steel is cut, folded, and riveted together. 

Tin cans with these blue and white images often contained fruit cake, cookies or candy. Most are mid-20th century and relatively easy to find. 


These images of woman are inspired by classic Greek depictions as a symbol of beauty, and timeless quality. How does this relate to 20th century expectation for women? Do you realize that women were not even allowed to leave their homes in ancient times? Women were not considered intellectually equal to men (with rare exceptions.) In Athens, they were under the juristiction of their father or husband, not given citizenship or the right to own property. Read more about women in Ancient Greece

The series, “The Deceiver and the Deceived”  focuses on images of women from tin food containers in a number of stereotyped roles exemplifying how women are portrayed in our consumer society.

Idyllic, Elysian and Immortal Anachronism portray the idealized images of women from a classic era. Ideals of beauty from art history continued to be immortalized in every form of art, from statues to Wedgwood pottery. This sparks a dialog and astonishment that these images continue to be framed as beautiful, yet it ignores the severe limitations placed on women historically, and currently when our power comes solely from our appearance.     

Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

Dimensions for each frame: 
11.25" height x 11.25" width x 1.5" depth

This wall frame is available for purchase or exhibition.

 © Harriete Estel Berman, 1995-1996, 2021