Pure, delicious, refreshing artwork about images of women in our society

from the Series:  The Deceiver and The Deceived

This is one of my favorite peices because the title supports the concept behind the work. 

The fan quilt pattern was chosen specifically because fans have been used in western society for a kind of flirtatious deception. This parallels the messages that our consumer culture sends about a woman's appearance. Women are often shown in advertising as "pure", "delicious" and “refreshing”. The women in Victoria Secret ads are an obvious portrayal.

Or watch this ad for Stella Artois beer, where a woman walks out of the ocean, pure, delicious and refreshing, just like the beer. 

Who is the deceiver and who are the deceived in our society when women are portrayed as "pure, alluring, refreshing, and delicious, good as homemade?"

This fabulous example of my work is available for purchase or exhibition.



(Left image)
This is the back view of Pure Delicious and Refreshing, a fabulous collage of images. The construction is revealed by looking through the window. 

Pure, Delicious and Refreshing is constructed from recycled materials, specifically tin cans and vintage steel dollhouses, aluminum rivets. Hangs on a nail in the wall using the keyhole slot in the back.

9" height
9" width
1.25" depth

This wall frame is available for purchase or exhibition.

© Harriete Estel Berman, 1995, 2021