Trapped by the Seduction of Domestic Perfection constructed from tin cans and steel dollhouses by Harriete Estel Berman

This series of work is both autobiographical and universal in its message. It is more challenging than ever for women to fill every role, from domestic goddess, mother, and wife while at the same time reaching for professional goals.

Are we trapped by the seduction of domestic perfection? I know that the appearance of my home demands a lot of time and attention, yet I value this role even if it is not valued in our society. This problem is far deeper that the superficial appearance of domestic bliss. The roles of mothers and all childcare are perhaps the most important in society, yet constantly devalued.

Frame wall piece constructed from recycled tin cans, vintage steel dollhouses, aluminum rivets. 

12.25" height x 15" width x 2.25” depth

This wall frame is available for purchase or exhibition.

Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
Photo Credit:
Philip Cohen

detail of metalwork in tin cans by Harriete Estel Berman

detail of metalwork in tin cans by Harriete Estel Berman

© Harriete Estel Berman, 1996, 2021